
Web Design Trends 2017 – An Obvious List


As soon as the clock strikes 12 on 31st December, celebrations of a new year begin. These celebrations represent a new epoch and a new beginning. With a new beginning, old trends set out to transform themselves into the new ones. Are you willing to unveil the new web design trends that have sprung up in 2017? If yes, then read on:

Rule of Compositions

Nowadays, there is a rise of open compositions that are loosely moving off-screen. Long ago, the concept of closed, static and symmetric compositions was introduced which dominated the design industry. Afterward, this concept turned into open compositions, which consist of loosely suspended elements, moving off-screen, giving an impression that they are still there beyond the edge of the screen. Examples of these open compositions include durimel.io, booneselections.com, romainpsd.com etc.


Until recently, the world of design had been ruled by the symmetry and proper patterns. But, with start of 2017, design patterns have transformed to a large extent. Now there is a rise of asymmetric layouts. Most of the designers put in all their efforts to create layouts that are not perfectly balanced in any way, but, they grab the attention of a visitor because he finds them differently skewed, and that’s exactly what catches his attention. Some examples of asymmetrical verticals include culture.pl, durimel.io and dada-data.net.


Designers focus more on creating the kind of compositions that are both dynamic as well as engaging by incorporating a plenty of diagonal lines in a design. There are many examples of these kinds of designs like residente.com/en, helloheco.com, predictiveworld.watchdogs.com, and much more.

The hurly-burly method of design

Nowadays, designers have started following a minimalistic method for crafting a design. They are deliberately unclipping their wings to bask in the air of freedom by creating a design that touches the heart of an audience. Though the design seems to be chaotic, in reality, it is a true depiction of the sense of freedom that a writer is trying to portray in his design. The design is still based on the contemporary forms of colors, sizes, textures, and forms but their position, as well as their inter-dependent traits, have been changed.

More emphasis is laid on Headers, geometrical figures, paragraphs, and icons. Examples of these designs include melanie-f, melville-design.com, and olivierbernstein.com.


It is one of the basic techniques, which every designer uses nowadays. Though typography gives an artist a liberty to craft his design in any format. However, still, there are certain rules and regulations that every artist should follow if he wants to create art, not chaos.


It is better if a designer uses tested fonts like Helvetica instead of choosing free fonts from the internet because those fonts are without proper kerning pairs, international characters, and alternate glyphs.


Since typefaces are created unequally, therefore a designer has to set them properly by placing those characters together that have the same x-height.


It denotes the vertical space between each line. The leading value should be higher than the font size to make the text comfortable to read. It should be somewhere between 1.25 to 1.5 times.


The measure represents the width of a text. There should be proper width of a text block so that a reader can easily read it at an optimum speed.

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