
Are You Competing With Yourself on Google? Here’s How to Fix That


It is an undeniable fact that the landscape of digital marketing is highly competitive. It is so challenging to stay aligned with the endless stream of search results and fight for the same keywords on different platforms like Bing and Google. However, you also have to ensure that you don’t start competing against yourself. In this blog, we will tell you two reasons why you are competing against yourself in the SERP and how can you fix this issue:

Duplicate URLs that are indexed in Google

Initially, you have to check whether you have two or more webpages with similar content indexed by a search engine. If they have a duplicate content then their ranking will be dropped down by the Google.

How can you duplicate content decrease the rank of your website on Google instantly?

Google gets a clear indication about the duplication of content while assigning ranks to different websites so it flags the content that it finds a duplicate. How can you avoid writing duplicate content? By following some strategies and tactics under the surveillance of content strategists.

Ziczas Solution is staffed with the best content strategists, so if you need some tidbits of information, you can click on the red-subscribe button placed on the top-right corner.

Ways your website can have duplicate content

It is very likely that your website has a duplicate content. Here are some issues that you need to look for:

If you have two or more kinds of mobile URLs for the pages like

  • com/mobile/ and m.website.co.uk
  • If you have different visible domains for pages that begin with www. and the other one without it, such as website.com/
  • If you have two different websites’ URLs that have a backlash at the end of it such as website.com/ and website.com
  • If you two pages that show the same content
  • If any of the issues that we have mentioned above arise, you will reduce your conversions, confuse users and split your traffic
  • Remedy
  • Create a sitemap to update your duplicate pages

Competition between different pages to get the same target keywords

It is very important to look for duplicate content and meta-description after looking for duplication in the SERP. There are many websites, which have identical content, metadata, blog posts, and product pages which result in their low rank on the scale of SERP. Not only this, this duplicate content and metadata will also reflect that your pages are in competition with each other. For example, if there is a company that sells ‘men’s wear’ and writes a blog, it has a risk of creating pages that step on each other’s feet.

You have to think outside the realm of conventional thinking to ensure that you are not competing for the same keywords. How can you do this? Let’s suppose that you are an e-commerce site, now you have to make your product pages limited to project-appropriate keywords while blog posts to target informational questions.


We hope that you will fix these duplication issues by changing the content and metadata effectively. You have to modify them a bit and elevate the number of appropriate search queries your site shows on Bing and Google. This means that you will have higher rate of traffic, more brand awareness, and higher conversions.

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